If men are constantly worried about their penis size, it’s only fair to assume that women have an equivalent with their breasts. Breasts can be just as much of an obsession as men have with their penis, but the difference lies in the fact that a woman’s breast size is somewhat visible from the outside whereas a man’s penis is not. If you are worried about what guys think about your breasts you should get the full truth. Most these statements may take you for surprise.
No man is alike, but there are some commonalities among them all. Here are a few things that men really think about your breasts.
1. Small Breasts
Here is a huge secret that men will actually admit to. They don’t necessarily care about small breasts. Some men even enjoy smaller breasts. The majority of men think that anything over a handful is just a waste. Think of it this way, do you really want a guy with a 20” big penis? You might consider your breasts small if you have an A or B cup, but some men simply don’t care about this.
There are a few classifications that guys can fall into: breast guys and butt guys. Some men want a girl with really big boobs and some men want a girl with a great butt. If you are self-conscious about your breasts, find a guy that enjoys you for you. Penis Extensions are the best toy for men to increase the erection time, and penis extension is also a nice assistant to create a wonderful foreplay to make men be a superman or let your women satisfy your sex ability.
2. Fake Breasts
There are a lot of doctors out there that offer breast implant surgeries. These doctors might even claim that there will be no scarring or visibility of the implant. Men find that women with fake breasts do not feel comfortable in their own skin. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have look like a bleach blonde porn star to get the guy of your dreams. Some men fantasize about a girl with giant fake breasts, but they don’t really want to spend a life with them.
There is a big difference between fantasy and love. Fake breasts are a sign of fantasy. Guys want girls that are real and that means real sizing. If you have been thinking about fake breasts, consider the ramifications of having the surgery. Male Masturbators help men solve the sex thirsty problem. Most of male masturbators don’t need hands to control, and just enjoy the pleasant.
3. Big Breasts
One of the biggest issues with a woman’s self image is her breasts. If you have really big breasts then it’s only natural to be concerned about sagging. No girl wants to have saggy grandma boobs, but this can’t always be helped. If you have big breasts and they are started to sag there are a few things that you can do. Push-ups can do wonders to sagging breasts. Strengthening the muscles underneath can be a free alternative to having a breast lift.
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